Investing in the kingdom

Money in the Bible

For some reason we find it hard to talk about money. But God doesn’t – in the Bible He has plenty to say! Here are a few of the biblical principles that guide us as a church to think about giving.


Name: All Saints ANeW
BSB: 705-077
Account: 00004 1184
Reference: “Offerings”

Or you can put money in an envelope marked “Offerings” into the brown box at the back of church.

Freedom in Giving

Christians are free from trying to win God’s approval through good works (even giving money), because Christ gave himself for us. We give as an overflow of thankfulness, because God has already given abundantly to us.

Trusting God by Giving Away

God is the one who provides for us and takes care of us. Money is one of the means He uses to do this, but in giving generously we remind both ourselves and others that He is our security.

Pleasing God by Giving

The temptation to try and impress others by our generosity is real. But God’s approval is way better than man’s, so He encourages us to keep it secret. We encourage people to give electronically, and anonymously, so their giving is a matter between them and God.

Serving God

Without even realising it, we may be slaves to money. We pour our life into making money, and  hope it will give us the good life. In the end, money is a lousy master and fails to deliver. But God is a great master, who cares for us and is truly worthy of our worship.